Lots is happening thanks to everyone who is getting involved! Here is an update from our meeting.
We are currently 60 members strong and are over halfway to meeting our membership goal. (Our goal is 110 members, a 10 percent increase from last year.) Great job everyone! The Membership Raffle winner was Connie Mayne. Connie received a $10 gift card. The Meeting Attendance Raffle winner was Stephanie Romig. Stephanie received a reusable shopping bag, PTA window cling, license plate frame, and $5 Starbucks card.
Mrs. Harper talked briefly about the District Improvement Plan. Two main goals are to increase OAT test scores by 7% each year in reading and math and to increase the graduation rate by 10%. For more details about the plan and how we will meet these goals, please contact Mrs. Harper.
Market Day sales were about $1600 this month. We must have $1000 in orders each month or Market Day will cancel our order. This is a new requirement from their headquarters. As a reminder, Market Day accepts the Ohio Directions Card and there is no longer a limit.
The Reflections Program encourages students to express themselves through visual arts, literature, photography, music, dance choreography and film/video production. This years theme, "Beauty is..." Details and entry information is available from PTA. Our school entry deadline is October 30.
To help promote the arts, we are pursuing an assembly by the Progressive Arts Alliance.
Our first major fundraiser (Tupperware) will be coming home soon.
Keep collecting Box Tops and Labels for Education! Trim them, count them and send them to us.