Research shows that student are more likely to succeed when parents are involved. Wow!, that's a loaded statement. And, what does it mean to be "involved"? Let me explain. Student success refers not only to grades and test scores but also to higher attendance rates, increased graduation rates and more students going to college. Parent involvement is more complex.
Parent involvement means being included in the education process. We, as parents, are involved by communicating with teachers, administrators and our students. Having open lines of communication shows we are interested and that education is important. Helping your child with their homework is one way to build communication and become involved with what your child is learning at school. Another way is volunteering. Join PTA or ask your child's teacher how you can help.
I joined PTA because I wanted to know more. More about what was happening in the school not just my child's classroom. I wanted to know how he ate breakfast at school when I fed him breakfast at home. I wanted to know how to find answers to the many questions I had as a first time parent of a Kindergärtner. I wanted to know how I could help without being at school. Well, now I either know or I know where to find out. PTA can help you find out, too.
When I first met with the teachers and staff in August, I told them, as PTA President, I wanted to "enhance our school programs by building community, by bringing teachers and parents together for our students". I realize now, I never communicated that to you, the parent.
I'd like to reopen the lines of communication and encourage you to use PTA to help you find answers and resources. By joining our PTA you become a member of Ohio PTA and the national PTA. Many member benefits can be found on each of their websites shown on the right of this page. As for Chestnut Elementary PTA, one monthly benefit is Family Night at the Lake Co. YMCA Central Branch in Painesville.
Here are other happenings with our PTA and at Chestnut:
- Scott Apple was elected Vice-President. Congratulations, Scott!
- The school year is off to a great start. The Olweus Anti-Bully assembly was fantastic and is having a positive impact.
- Volunteers are needed for the Halloween Parade.
- Volunteers are needed for the Book Fair.
- We are working on a Healthy Lifestyles Event for November and looking for helpers.
- We are looking for volunteers to help run a Holiday Mail program in December.
- We are beginning to work on a Bring your Family to School program for February.
- Membership Raffle winners were Kristi Seibert, Shawn Riley and Cheryl Altizer. They each received a $10 gift card from PTA.
- We will have a cover contest for the yearbook. Covers are due before Thanksgiving break. Voting will be held in December before winter break.
- The first Pod Race for collecting Box Tops and Labels for Education ends October 20. A popcorn party will be awarded to the winning pod.
- The Tupperware fundraiser raised $900. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Remember, being a member does not mean you must come to meetings. Yes, it is helpful and shows your support and interest, but not mandatory. Membership does not mean you must be available during school hours. A majority of our members work either full-time or part-time. Membership means you want to be involved and want to be asked to help. So I'm asking . . .
Please join PTA to show your support and interest in helping enhance our schools. Thank you! ~Amy