Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Healthy Lifestyles Event: Get Active, Eat Healthy, Promote Community

This years Healthy Lifestyles Event has a three prong approach. First, activity choices: fitness circuits, a backyard game, line dancing, yoga and a walking course. Second, healthy eating: choosing quick or easy to make, yummy food can be daunting to many. Come see our demonstration and try a sample. You may even learn about making better choices in the store. Lastly, healthy communities: rain barrels can help the environment of the community by recycling rain water and they can also be aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Learn more from Soil and Water and purchase a barrel with a purpose. We have also mapped out a walking course around the school. Community members are welcome to use it when school is not in session.

Come learn more, this Thursday, November 18 from 6-7:30pm.

Everything centers on family fun, so don't forget to wear your sneakers and clothes you can move in! We will be learning to line dance to exercise our body and mind. We will learn about the practice of yoga to relax our body and mind. We will learn about healthy eating for healthy bodies and spirit. We will work towards developing a community that encourages healthy living through its actions. See you there! ~Amy

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Original Works Fundraiser Information

As I was putting the fundraiser packets together I was continually impressed by the artwork our students created with Mrs. Riley. Original Works will transfer the artwork to various items from magnets to note cards, mouse pads, mugs and more. What great gifts for special family members!

Orders must be turned in by Monday, October 25. Completed orders must include the original ARTWORK, order form and payment (cash, money orders or checks made payable to Chestnut PTA). We are scheduled to receive our orders on December 6, in time for holiday gift giving. Thank you for supporting Chestnut PTA by participating in this fundraiser!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Meeting Items for October 6 at 5pm

This month our meeting will begin with a short information session regarding the Replacement Levy on the ballot this November. Dr. Hanlon and Ms. Denise Ward will lead the session and answer your questions regarding Issue 3 and its importance to the operation of our school system.

Business meeting topics will include:
  • information about our upcoming fundraiser with Original Works. Mrs. Riley has done a fabulous job with everyone in Art Class; the works our students have created will make AWESOME keepsakes and gifts for the holiday season. I have had the opportunity to preview the art work and I can't wait for you to see what a great job your child did creating their "Bug on a Rug" or "Under the Sea" or "Lighthouse".
  • volunteer opportunities for upcoming programs and events. One specific need is book fair; Kim Miller and Mrs. Dey are in need of people to help during the day and during conferences. The Holiday Family Night needs a Chairperson and committee as well as other upcoming events.
I am working on getting membership cards delivered. Thank you for your patience. Please remember, this is your PTA. I look forward to meeting you again at a meeting or event. See you at school!~Amy

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Upcoming Events

The school year is off to a great start. Lots of great things are in the works to encourage our students to succeed in school and grow personally. At the first PTA meeting, two grants were awarded to bring more books to students and their families. First, the kindergarten will be hosting a Family Literacy Night sponsored in part by Chestnut PTA on Tuesday, September 21. Second, all kindergarten through second grade classrooms have expanded classroom libraries partially funded by PTA. This will enable more books to be in the hands of our students for at home reading. Everyone needs to be reading 15-20 minutes every day to further develop their reading skills. Even me! Personally, I've found it very relaxing to say to my kids, "Get a book. We are all going to read quietly for ten minutes and then take turns reading out loud to each other for 10 minutes." I'm catching up on my running and yoga magazines as well as my favorite authors.

The NED Show, a Character Development Assembly will be held Monday, September 20. Your student should bring home a flier.

Market Day order forms have been sent out. Orders are due Thursday, September 23 with order pick up on Tuesday, September 28. We are hoping to raise $100 each month ($1000 in orders) to help fund grants and programs through out the year.

Picture Day is Monday, September 27. Order forms have been sent home.

The first Pod Race of the year for Box Tops for Education collection is under way and ends Friday, October 15. We earn 10 cents for each box top coupon. Please send the box tops to school trimmed, counted and labeled by teacher each week.

The next PTA meeting is Wednesday, October 6 at 5pm in the Music Room. See you soon! ~Amy

Monday, August 30, 2010

Meeting Wednesday!

Our first meeting of the 2010-2011 school year is Wednesday, September 1 at 5pm in the Music Room. Follow the red hallway opposite the office, second door on the left. Learn about upcoming events, fundraisers and how you can get involved. See you there! ~Amy

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Welcome Back to School!

The start of the school year is five days away! As you get prepared with school supplies and clothes, don't forget to join Chestnut PTA. It's a great way to be involved and show your support for our school community. Look for us at the Meet the Teacher Open House on Wednesday, August 25 from 6-7:30pm. Membership is $6. All 2010-2011 members who join before September 25 will be entered into a drawing for a Cleveland Zoo Family Membership! See you this week at school!~Amy

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Students featured in Painesville Video

Last year, the Downtown Painesville Organization came to our PTA's and asked if area students would like to participate in the making of a video to promote the City of Painesville. Check out our town, students and fellow citizens by clicking on the link.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mid Summer Update

Wow, it's July 26th; I can't believe school will be starting a month from today!! School supply sales are everywhere! I've seen academically dressed appropriate clothing at Gabriel Brothers and on sale at Old Navy. If you find a great deal you would like to share with others, let me know and I'll pass it on.

Preparation for the new school year has begun. PTA Officers are attending the Leadership Conference this weekend in Columbus. We are reviewing our books, preparing a budget to submit to the unit for approval as well as some preliminary events for the year. Here are some ways to get involved and things to watch for in the upcoming months. Please contact Chestnut PTA for more information on anything listed below.

Bulletin Board Helpers: Let's join forces to bring pictures and text together through out the school. Anyone interested in making bulletin boards for different areas of the school should contact Chestnut PTA for more information.

Market Day: Our pick up day has changed to Tuesdays. If you have ordered this past Spring you should be receiving an order form or reminder directly from Market Day. Please check it out and/or order online at www.MarketDay.com Our first pick up date of the year is Tuesday, August 31st at 4:30pm.

Membership Drive: PTA membership forms will be available at all upcoming school events. Membership dues are $6 per person and include Ohio PTA and National PTA membership. All 2010/2011 members will be eligible to win a Cleveland Zoo Family Membership from Chestnut PTA. The drawing will be held on September 25th.

Fundraising Efforts: We will continue to collect Box Tops and Labels for Education. We earn 10 cents ($0.10) for each Box Top. If each student collects 20 Box Tops, we can earn $1000 that would fund 2 PTA sponsored events such as Muffins for Mom and Donuts for Dad.
Our first major fundraiser will be Original Works, a program that uses the students own original art work on items for everyday use (coffee mugs, garden flags, magnets, trivets and more). Items will be ordered in October for delivery the first week of December.

Meetings: Our first meeting will be Wednesday, September 1 at 5pm. Future meetings will be help the first Wednesday of the month. Changes to the meeting schedule will be announced at least 7 days in advance.

Hope to hear from you. See you soon! ~Amy

Friday, June 11, 2010

Yearbooks Sold Out!

There are no more copies of the yearbook available. Thank you for supporting the yearbook; this is the first year in a long time we have sold out. If you have any questions or suggestions for next year, please contact Chestnut PTA.

Friday, June 4, 2010

End of the Year News

Let me first apologize for not being consistent with updating the blog this year. As I enter my second year as PTA President I hope to do everything just a little bit better know that I have some experience. Sharing more information, more often is one of my goals.

Here are some things to remember for the end of the year, over the summer and planning for the start of the 2010-2011 school year.
  • The 2009-2010 Yearbook is in and is being distributed to students who pre-ordered one. A very limited number will be available on June 8. Please contact PTA if you are interest in purchasing one. They will be distributed on a first come first serve basis.
  • PTA Membership for 2010-2011 is being accepted. Those joining before September 25 will be entered into a drawing for a Cleveland Zoo Family Membership. Membership dues are $6 per person and include Ohio PTA and National PTA Membership. For all member benefits, visit www.pta.org
  • If you are in need of assistance with academically dressed clothing, please visit the Raider Rack. Chris Hanahan at the Board Office is collecting gently used uniform clothing. She also has new clothing available for those in need. Please contact Ms. Hanahan directly. All requests are confidential.
  • Box Top collections raised about $800 this year. Please continue to collect box tops and labels over the summer. Box Tops should be trimmed and bagged in groups of 50. Please label each bag with number of box tops, name and grade. Labels for Education should be trimmed and counted separately in an envelop. Please write number of labels, name and grade on the envelop.
  • Meet the Teacher Night will be August 25, 6-7:30pm
  • The First Day of School is August 26
  • School Supply Lists are on the PCLS website.
If you need any additional information, please contact PTA.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nominations Update

The Nominating Committee presented the following nominees for the 2010-2011 school year:
President: Amy Basco
Vice President: Jennifer Palinkas
Secretary: Dee Dee Carotenuto Perez
Treasurer: Michelle Anderson
Additional nominations may be presented at upcoming meetings. Voting will take place at the May meeting, May 5 at 6:30pm in the Music Room.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nominations Update

Letters will go out to all members Friday, February 19 requesting all nominations be turned in to the nominating committee by Friday, February 26. As a reminder, before submitting a nomination please ask the individual if they are willing to accept the nomination and commit to the position if chosen and elected.

Nominations can be turned into the school in a sealed envelop marked PTA Nominating Committee. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nominations are Open!

The Nomination Committee has been formed to facilitate the Nomination of Officers for the 2010-2011 school year. To make a nomination or be nominated for office you must be a current Chestnut Elementary PTA member. All nominations must be in writing. Please submit nominations in sealed envelops marked NOMINATING COMMITTEE. All questions will be directed to the committee.

Thank you for your help selecting the leadership team for the 2010-2011 Chestnut Elementary PTA!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Math Fair: A Successful Partnership

It started on Tuesday with the 4th and 5th grades learning measurement and metric conversions with rulers and playing cards. We continued on Wednesday with a front page article in the News Herald. In the afternoon, 2nd and 3rd graders estimated and measured circumference, counted and made change with play money, and learned the value of one minute. The fair concluded today as Kindergarten and first graders made rules, cut Twizzlers to specific lengths and measured various things. Everyone took home the activities and most materials needed for the activities.

Thank you to everyone who made this event possible: parents, teachers and students. We all worked together to create fun, learn through play activities or investigations that can be done at home to reinforce what is taught at school. For no matter how old we get, we will learn through play, with reinforced repetition and by having fun. I believe we succeeded. Thank you! ~Amy

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Success is Measured by Partnership"

Our Take Your Family to School Week Math Fair starts today, Tuesday, February 9 at 1:45pm, for 4th and 5th grade students. Parents are invited to attend with their student to work on measurement based games and activities.

This PTA event was funded by a National PTA grant awarded to Chestnut Elementary PTA. A representative from AXA Financial, sponsor of National PTA, will be at the school for the check presentation at 1:30pm today.

Second and Third grade students will be participating on Wednesday, February 10 at 1:45pm and Kindergarten and First Grade will participate on Thursday, February 11 at 1:45pm.

See you at the math fair where "Success is Measured by Partnership"! ~Amy

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Upcoming Activities

We have entered 2010 fast and furiously. Just look at the list of upcoming events! A lot is happening at Chestnut Elementary with a lot more to come. Your help is needed and much appreciated by me, PTA President, and the students and staff of the school. Here are some of the highlights:

School Pictures Candid Day, January 20: We are hard at work to make sure everyone is in the yearbook, in the correct class and that all groups are represented. Student artwork will be used for the cover. We hope to have all activities and events represented in the yearbook. Orders are due January 29. The cost is $16 per book. Contact PTA for more information on ordering.

PLUS Graduation, January 21: Congratulation to the 5th Grade Class! Everyone, 100% of our fifth grade, is graduating from this drug awareness/prevention program. Outstanding!

Take Your Family to School Week, February 7-13: Our PTA was awarded a grant to support a Family Math Fair entitled "Success is Measured by Partnership". A fair for each pod will be held on individual days. Activities will focus on measurement activities that can be replicated at home with directions and materials provided to each family. Help will be needed for set up and tear down each day. Family participation by a parent, aunt, uncle, or grandparent is strongly recommended for each student.

Donuts for Dad, February 12: Come to school early for students to have a donut with their dad, grandfather or uncle. It's a great morning to spend a little extra time together before school and/or work.

Can't wait to see you at the school! ~Amy

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2010! It's a new year with new opportunities. Make a resolution you will want to keep: Resolve to get involved with your child's education. PTA makes it easy. Join today by clicking the link on the right.