Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nominations Update

Letters will go out to all members Friday, February 19 requesting all nominations be turned in to the nominating committee by Friday, February 26. As a reminder, before submitting a nomination please ask the individual if they are willing to accept the nomination and commit to the position if chosen and elected.

Nominations can be turned into the school in a sealed envelop marked PTA Nominating Committee. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nominations are Open!

The Nomination Committee has been formed to facilitate the Nomination of Officers for the 2010-2011 school year. To make a nomination or be nominated for office you must be a current Chestnut Elementary PTA member. All nominations must be in writing. Please submit nominations in sealed envelops marked NOMINATING COMMITTEE. All questions will be directed to the committee.

Thank you for your help selecting the leadership team for the 2010-2011 Chestnut Elementary PTA!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Math Fair: A Successful Partnership

It started on Tuesday with the 4th and 5th grades learning measurement and metric conversions with rulers and playing cards. We continued on Wednesday with a front page article in the News Herald. In the afternoon, 2nd and 3rd graders estimated and measured circumference, counted and made change with play money, and learned the value of one minute. The fair concluded today as Kindergarten and first graders made rules, cut Twizzlers to specific lengths and measured various things. Everyone took home the activities and most materials needed for the activities.

Thank you to everyone who made this event possible: parents, teachers and students. We all worked together to create fun, learn through play activities or investigations that can be done at home to reinforce what is taught at school. For no matter how old we get, we will learn through play, with reinforced repetition and by having fun. I believe we succeeded. Thank you! ~Amy

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Success is Measured by Partnership"

Our Take Your Family to School Week Math Fair starts today, Tuesday, February 9 at 1:45pm, for 4th and 5th grade students. Parents are invited to attend with their student to work on measurement based games and activities.

This PTA event was funded by a National PTA grant awarded to Chestnut Elementary PTA. A representative from AXA Financial, sponsor of National PTA, will be at the school for the check presentation at 1:30pm today.

Second and Third grade students will be participating on Wednesday, February 10 at 1:45pm and Kindergarten and First Grade will participate on Thursday, February 11 at 1:45pm.

See you at the math fair where "Success is Measured by Partnership"! ~Amy