Preparation for the new school year has begun. PTA Officers are attending the Leadership Conference this weekend in Columbus. We are reviewing our books, preparing a budget to submit to the unit for approval as well as some preliminary events for the year. Here are some ways to get involved and things to watch for in the upcoming months. Please contact Chestnut PTA for more information on anything listed below.
Bulletin Board Helpers: Let's join forces to bring pictures and text together through out the school. Anyone interested in making bulletin boards for different areas of the school should contact Chestnut PTA for more information.
Market Day: Our pick up day has changed to Tuesdays. If you have ordered this past Spring you should be receiving an order form or reminder directly from Market Day. Please check it out and/or order online at Our first pick up date of the year is Tuesday, August 31st at 4:30pm.
Membership Drive: PTA membership forms will be available at all upcoming school events. Membership dues are $6 per person and include Ohio PTA and National PTA membership. All 2010/2011 members will be eligible to win a Cleveland Zoo Family Membership from Chestnut PTA. The drawing will be held on September 25th.
Fundraising Efforts: We will continue to collect Box Tops and Labels for Education. We earn 10 cents ($0.10) for each Box Top. If each student collects 20 Box Tops, we can earn $1000 that would fund 2 PTA sponsored events such as Muffins for Mom and Donuts for Dad.
Our first major fundraiser will be Original Works, a program that uses the students own original art work on items for everyday use (coffee mugs, garden flags, magnets, trivets and more). Items will be ordered in October for delivery the first week of December.
Meetings: Our first meeting will be Wednesday, September 1 at 5pm. Future meetings will be help the first Wednesday of the month. Changes to the meeting schedule will be announced at least 7 days in advance.
Hope to hear from you. See you soon! ~Amy