The school year is off to a great start. Lots of great things are in the works to encourage our students to succeed in school and grow personally. At the first PTA meeting, two grants were awarded to bring more books to students and their families. First, the kindergarten will be hosting a Family Literacy Night sponsored in part by Chestnut PTA on Tuesday, September 21. Second, all kindergarten through second grade classrooms have expanded classroom libraries partially funded by PTA. This will enable more books to be in the hands of our students for at home reading. Everyone needs to be reading 15-20 minutes every day to further develop their reading skills. Even me! Personally, I've found it very relaxing to say to my kids, "Get a book. We are all going to read quietly for ten minutes and then take turns reading out loud to each other for 10 minutes." I'm catching up on my running and yoga magazines as well as my favorite authors.
The NED Show, a Character Development Assembly will be held Monday, September 20. Your student should bring home a flier.
Market Day order forms have been sent out. Orders are due Thursday, September 23 with order pick up on Tuesday, September 28. We are hoping to raise $100 each month ($1000 in orders) to help fund grants and programs through out the year.
Picture Day is Monday, September 27. Order forms have been sent home.
The first Pod Race of the year for Box Tops for Education collection is under way and ends Friday, October 15. We earn 10 cents for each box top coupon. Please send the box tops to school trimmed, counted and labeled by teacher each week.
The next PTA meeting is Wednesday, October 6 at 5pm in the Music Room. See you soon! ~Amy