This years Healthy Lifestyles Event has a three prong approach. First, activity choices: fitness circuits, a backyard game, line dancing, yoga and a walking course. Second, healthy eating: choosing quick or easy to make, yummy food can be daunting to many. Come see our demonstration and try a sample. You may even learn about making better choices in the store. Lastly, healthy communities: rain barrels can help the environment of the community by recycling rain water and they can also be aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Learn more from Soil and Water and purchase a barrel with a purpose. We have also mapped out a walking course around the school. Community members are welcome to use it when school is not in session.
Come learn more, this Thursday, November 18 from 6-7:30pm.
Everything centers on family fun, so don't forget to wear your sneakers and clothes you can move in! We will be learning to line dance to exercise our body and mind. We will learn about the practice of yoga to relax our body and mind. We will learn about healthy eating for healthy bodies and spirit. We will work towards developing a community that encourages healthy living through its actions. See you there! ~Amy