Minutes from PTA meeting held 10/03/2007 @ Chestnut Elementary School
Attendees: Anissa Preston, Cheryl Altizer, Michele Carpenter, Laura Gonzalez, Kim Freeman, Amy Kobus, Robin Stava, Michelle Kovauk, Karen Wivell
Meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by Anissa Preston
Greeting – Poem read by Anissa Preston
Pledge of allegiance to the flag
Minutes from last meeting were approved as read
Treasures Report read by Cheryl Altizer
Changes were made geared toward whole school, not just certain grades.
Budget was reviewed voted and passed.
Banner was purchased
Assignment books were bought for all students
Glow in the dark necklace’s for Halloween parade to be purchased
President’s & Principal’s Reports were read together
Volunteer for Halloween day to help with costumes at 9am.
Channel 96 to film parade
If the child doesn’t have a costume, PTA will provide one. Otherwise the student will not be able to participate
Mrs. Leahy would like the PTA to do something for the High school band for playing at the Halloween parade.
Shirt and sweatshirts were approved. PTA cost is $12.50 for polo shirts, $13.00 for sweatshirts. We will be selling them for $15. / $18. Or a combination of both shirts for $30. We must have 300 before an order can be put in. Colors offered are red, white, and black.
Recess volunteers are needed for recess
School is looking for volunteers for Grandparent/parent week visits. Oct 15 to 18
Teachers are in need of help on school days for misc. stuff
YMCA is offering free swim the 1st Saturday of the month to PTA members between the times of 6:30p to 9pm
PTA received a Certificate of Recognition from the Ohio council for safety for getting the school crossing fixed.
School is starting a character word month. Each month will be a new world. Every time a student exhibits the word they will be given a coupon that will go in a drawing for a prize.
There have been some lunch issues. A letter will be going home to parents on how they can set up a pre-pay lunch account.
Coming in November we will have a parent come to talk about supporting the Autism Society. November 20th if the students pay a $1 to support Autism they will be able to wear jeans to school.
Membership – Lori Gonzalez
Kim Freeman and Lori Gonzalez are setting up a table at Literacy night 10-4 for a membership drive. They will also be giving away free books, donated by Half Price Books, to anyone joining PTA. They will also be passing out flyers for the school shirts and taking orders.
Students will get a Free Arbys lunch with the most PTA membership sign ups.
Count for member is at 38 members. 18 of those members are teachers.
Need membership ideas for November.
Market Day – Connie Orosz
No report due to Connie not at meeting
Fundraisers – Michele Carpenter
Popcorn Palace – Prices $5 - $35 50% profit, but we have to pay for shipping. Voted to sell. Dates for sale – October 15th – 26th
Family night at Chuck E Cheese October 18th
Max & Erma November 12th
Holiday shop December 7th
Original Works – more info to come
Fundraising meeting October 11th 7pm at Panera Bread
Book Fair – Kim Miller
No report due to Kim not at meeting.
Reflections – Mrs. Sextella
No report due to Mrs. Sextella not at meeting.
Yearbook – Kim Freeman
Planning on putting together Yearbook Club for 4th, 5th, 6th graders.
Yearbook will be extended to 40 pages full color.
The cost will be $15 per book.
Giant Eagle – Natalie Pugh
No report due to Natalie not at meeting.
Old Business – None
New Business - None
1 comment:
The "Jeans Day" Date has been changed to Novemeber 30th.
Thank you
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