Monday, November 16, 2009

Get Active, Snack Wisely a Success!

With the support of Lake County YMCA Central Branch and Lake Health Wellness & Health Promotions Department, our Healthy Lifestyles Event was fun and educational.

We opened with a game of Clean Your Backyard. Everyone in 5th Grade and younger competed against the parents and those older than 5th grade! We had sack races, a hula hoop competition, target practice with various balls & discs, and jump roping including a little double dutch! We concluded our activity session with a Family Yoga sample class including savasana.

Needing a break from activity, Viai from Lake Health was ready with information about making healthy snack choices. Spin the wheel and you were challenged to answer questions about exercise, nutrition and heart health.

Prizes included jump ropes, yoga mats, hula hoops, a Nerf hoop, Twister hopscotch, Frisbees, and playground balls. Raffles included a 1 month Family Membership to the Y and certificates for various other classes.

To refuel, everyone made their own GORP with Cheerios, raisins, M&M's, pretzels and mini marshmallows. Carrots and celery with cream cheese were also served.

It was great to see everyone have fun together and learn new things. Let me know if you are interested in having a Family Yoga Night once a month at school. If we have enough interest, we have an instructor willing to come!

See you at school! ~Amy

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