Thursday, December 10, 2009

Reflections Art Program a Success!

We had a record number of entries this year due to the interest and excitement generated by Reflections Chair Karen, Mrs. Harper and a few parents who spoke with everyone during lunch one day. Entries were received in Photography, Literature and Visual Arts. The students who participated are:

Jordan, Cathy, Sandy, Destiny, Shyann, Hannah, Ethan, Alysia, Payton, Nanishka, Jahomara, Josue, Kimberly, Steven, Gissell, Robert, Raymundo, Destiny and Jayda.

In Photography, Jordan and Cathy were the top entries. In Literature, top entries came from Sandy and Destiny. In Visual Arts, Ethan, Alysia, Payton and Cathy had the top entries. These entries were sent to the Lake County Council PTA for the next round of judging.

Students were recognized at school with their peers on Tuesday, December 2. Photos can be viewed in the display case at school. Look for more information coming soon regarding Gallery Night at the School.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Take Your Family To School Grant Winner!

I hope you have already heard the great news. We have been award a $1897 grant for our "Success is Measured by Partnership" Math Fair to be held during Take Your Family to School Week, February 7-13, 2010. The focus of the math fair will be measurement and activities that can be reproduced at home with household items. Our detailed planning begins next week. We will be in need of volunteers each day. As information becomes available, please plan on helping and attending with your student(s).

Monday, November 16, 2009

Get Active, Snack Wisely a Success!

With the support of Lake County YMCA Central Branch and Lake Health Wellness & Health Promotions Department, our Healthy Lifestyles Event was fun and educational.

We opened with a game of Clean Your Backyard. Everyone in 5th Grade and younger competed against the parents and those older than 5th grade! We had sack races, a hula hoop competition, target practice with various balls & discs, and jump roping including a little double dutch! We concluded our activity session with a Family Yoga sample class including savasana.

Needing a break from activity, Viai from Lake Health was ready with information about making healthy snack choices. Spin the wheel and you were challenged to answer questions about exercise, nutrition and heart health.

Prizes included jump ropes, yoga mats, hula hoops, a Nerf hoop, Twister hopscotch, Frisbees, and playground balls. Raffles included a 1 month Family Membership to the Y and certificates for various other classes.

To refuel, everyone made their own GORP with Cheerios, raisins, M&M's, pretzels and mini marshmallows. Carrots and celery with cream cheese were also served.

It was great to see everyone have fun together and learn new things. Let me know if you are interested in having a Family Yoga Night once a month at school. If we have enough interest, we have an instructor willing to come!

See you at school! ~Amy

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Book Fair, Conferences and Healthy Habits

These first two weeks of November are loaded with activities. The Book Fair begins tomorrow, November 5 in conjunction with Parent, Teacher, Student Conferences. Students will visit the book fair during their Library time. You can visit the book fair as a family during conference hours until 7:45pm on November 5 and 10.

PTA would like to show our support for our teachers by providing dinner and snacks during conferences on Tuesday, November 10. Donations are requested by 3pm and no later than 5pm. Contact PTA for more information.

PTA is hosting Get Active, Snack Wisely: A Healthy Lifestyles Event on Friday, November 13 from 6-7:30pm. Flyers will be sent home with students this week. We are asking students to RSVP by Wednesday, November 11. Volunteers are also needed for this event. Activities include parent child games, races against the clock and yoga for everyone. You will also learn to make your own light healthy snacks. It will be a great opportunity to starts some new habits for the holiday season.

Hope to see you at the book fair and Getting Active!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I am a PTA member because . . .

First, I'd like to apologize for not posting in the last two weeks. Or more importantly, since our last meeting 11 days ago. I have had a difficult time getting my thoughts in order about everything that is happening in our schools and with our PTA. I've decided I haven't shared enough about me and why I'm involved with Chestnut Elementary PTA and why I'd like to encourage everyone to get involved.

Research shows that student are more likely to succeed when parents are involved. Wow!, that's a loaded statement. And, what does it mean to be "involved"? Let me explain. Student success refers not only to grades and test scores but also to higher attendance rates, increased graduation rates and more students going to college. Parent involvement is more complex.

Parent involvement means being included in the education process. We, as parents, are involved by communicating with teachers, administrators and our students. Having open lines of communication shows we are interested and that education is important. Helping your child with their homework is one way to build communication and become involved with what your child is learning at school. Another way is volunteering. Join PTA or ask your child's teacher how you can help.

I joined PTA because I wanted to know more. More about what was happening in the school not just my child's classroom. I wanted to know how he ate breakfast at school when I fed him breakfast at home. I wanted to know how to find answers to the many questions I had as a first time parent of a Kindergärtner. I wanted to know how I could help without being at school. Well, now I either know or I know where to find out. PTA can help you find out, too.

When I first met with the teachers and staff in August, I told them, as PTA President, I wanted to "enhance our school programs by building community, by bringing teachers and parents together for our students". I realize now, I never communicated that to you, the parent.

I'd like to reopen the lines of communication and encourage you to use PTA to help you find answers and resources. By joining our PTA you become a member of Ohio PTA and the national PTA. Many member benefits can be found on each of their websites shown on the right of this page. As for Chestnut Elementary PTA, one monthly benefit is Family Night at the Lake Co. YMCA Central Branch in Painesville.

Here are other happenings with our PTA and at Chestnut:
  • Scott Apple was elected Vice-President. Congratulations, Scott!
  • The school year is off to a great start. The Olweus Anti-Bully assembly was fantastic and is having a positive impact.
  • Volunteers are needed for the Halloween Parade.
  • Volunteers are needed for the Book Fair.
  • We are working on a Healthy Lifestyles Event for November and looking for helpers.
  • We are looking for volunteers to help run a Holiday Mail program in December.
  • We are beginning to work on a Bring your Family to School program for February.
  • Membership Raffle winners were Kristi Seibert, Shawn Riley and Cheryl Altizer. They each received a $10 gift card from PTA.
  • We will have a cover contest for the yearbook. Covers are due before Thanksgiving break. Voting will be held in December before winter break.
  • The first Pod Race for collecting Box Tops and Labels for Education ends October 20. A popcorn party will be awarded to the winning pod.
  • The Tupperware fundraiser raised $900. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Remember, being a member does not mean you must come to meetings. Yes, it is helpful and shows your support and interest, but not mandatory. Membership does not mean you must be available during school hours. A majority of our members work either full-time or part-time. Membership means you want to be involved and want to be asked to help. So I'm asking . . .

Please join PTA to show your support and interest in helping enhance our schools. Thank you! ~Amy

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Spirit Wear & 2008/09 Yearbooks Available

We have Red Raider Spirit Wear available for sale in limited sizes and quantities. Polos are marked down to $10 and sweatshirts are now $15. These items meet the academically dressed guidelines. Available sizes are shown below.

Polo shirts $15 NOW $10
1 Child S red
2 Adult S black
5 Adult S red
2 Adult M black
5 Adult M red
1 Adult XL white
1 Adult 2xl black

Sweatshirts $18 NOW $15
2 Child S black
3 Child S red
1 Child S white
2 Child M white
7 Child L black
2 Child L red
2 Child L white
5 Child XL black
5 Child XL red
3 Adult S black
4 Adult S red
1 Adult S white
2 Adult L black
2 Adult L red

Approximately 30 2008/2009 Yearbooks are also available. The cost is $15 each.

To purchase spirit wear or a 2008/09 yearbook, contact PTA.

Monday, September 28, 2009

October News

Congratulations to the latest Membership Raffle Winners: Kristi Seibert and Shawn Riley! They each received a $10 gift card. Thank you for being a member! The last raffle drawing will be Wednesday, September 30.

Be sure to check out the Calendar of Events to the right. There is a lot happening this month. Here are the details for some of the events.
  • Family Night at the Lake County YMCA Central Branch is open to Chestnut Elementary PTA members with your membership card. Held on the first Saturday of the month from 6:30-9pm, come for Open Swim and fun family activities.
  • New Ohio Child Passenger Safety Laws require every child under 8 and under 4'9" to ride in a booster seat. Call 1-866-CAR-SEAT or 1-800- 755-GROW (4769) for more information.
  • Chuck E Cheese Night is a great way to have fun with family and school friends while supporting PTA. 15% of purchases are donated to our PTA.
  • "Beauty is..." The Reflections Art Program is a great way to develop and showcase your talents. Information has been given to the teachers and students. Entry guidelines are available in the office or by contacting PTA.
  • Market Day accepts the Ohio Directions Card without a limit. All orders can be placed online or dropped off in the office.
Box Tops and Labels for Education information will be coming home. Collection bins are in each pod and in the office. Keep collecting, trimming and sending them in!

Members make our organization succeed. Thank you for participating in PTA events!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tupperware Fundraiser Begins Monday

Information and catalogs are being sent home with students Monday, September 14. The "fun"raiser will be held for two weeks. All orders are due by Friday, September 25 at 3pm. All money must be turned in at that time. Funds raised will be used for upcoming PTA programs throughout the year.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Meeting Highlights

Lots is happening thanks to everyone who is getting involved! Here is an update from our meeting.

We are currently 60 members strong and are over halfway to meeting our membership goal. (Our goal is 110 members, a 10 percent increase from last year.) Great job everyone! The Membership Raffle winner was Connie Mayne. Connie received a $10 gift card. The Meeting Attendance Raffle winner was Stephanie Romig. Stephanie received a reusable shopping bag, PTA window cling, license plate frame, and $5 Starbucks card.

Mrs. Harper talked briefly about the District Improvement Plan. Two main goals are to increase OAT test scores by 7% each year in reading and math and to increase the graduation rate by 10%. For more details about the plan and how we will meet these goals, please contact Mrs. Harper.

Market Day sales were about $1600 this month. We must have $1000 in orders each month or Market Day will cancel our order. This is a new requirement from their headquarters. As a reminder, Market Day accepts the Ohio Directions Card and there is no longer a limit.

The Reflections Program encourages students to express themselves through visual arts, literature, photography, music, dance choreography and film/video production. This years theme, "Beauty is..." Details and entry information is available from PTA. Our school entry deadline is October 30.

To help promote the arts, we are pursuing an assembly by the Progressive Arts Alliance.

Our first major fundraiser (Tupperware) will be coming home soon.

Keep collecting Box Tops and Labels for Education! Trim them, count them and send them to us.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Meeting Tonight!

Our first meeting of the year will be held TONIGHT Wednesday, September 2 at 7pm in the Music Room. See you there!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Membership Raffle Winners

What an exciting evening we had at Meet the Teacher Night! Many families visited our membership table and others signed up to help with different projects. It was great to see the school full of students and family members.

Congratulations go out to the following raffle winners:
Taunya Lawrence-Cross ($10 Giant Eagle Gift Card)
Karen Abercrombie ($10 Target Gift Card)
Scott Apple ($10 Walmart Gift Card)

Your next opportunity to get involved and win will be at our first meeting of the year, Wednesday, September 2 at 7pm. See you there!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Meet the Teacher Night Membership Drive

Tuesday night will kick off the school year as everyone meets their teacher from 6-7:30pm. Stop by the membership table and there will be a surprise for your student. Complete a membership form with your $6 dues enclosed and earn a chance to win a gift card at 6:30, 7, and 7:30pm. Membership raffles will continue through the month of September. Drawings will be on September 2, 11, 23, and 30.

We have Red Raider spirit wear available in very limited sizes and quantities. Polo shirts will be on sale for $10, sweatshirts for $15.

2008-2009 Yearbooks will also be available. The cost is $15 per book.

Contact us at for more information or to volunteer. See you Tuesday!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Welcome Back!

I'd like to welcome you to Chestnut Elementary PTA! My name is Amy Basco and I am the Chestnut Elementary PTA President for the 2009-2010 school year. My husband Frank and I have two children; our son JT will be in first grade and our daughter Josie will be in Kindergarten. I work part time at a local pool and I am excited to work with all of you for Chestnut Elementary PTA.

We have lots to do this year beginning with our Membership Campaign! We will have a table at Kindergarten Orientation and Meet the Teacher Night. I am recruiting current members to help during these two events. (Remember, your 2008-2009 membership doesn't expire until September 30!) Want to help but don't want to come alone? Bring a friend and ask them to join. Anyone interested in the well-being of our students can be a PTA member. For more information or to sign up to help, email me at

I look forward to meeting all of you again this year! Have a great end to your summer vacation!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Family Cook-Out Friday May 29th!

The Chestnut Elementary Annual Family Cook-Out will be held on Friday, May 29th. You can get a hog dog meal (hot dog, chips and drink) for just $2! There will be potato sack races, three-legged races, face painting and more! Come and enjoy an evening of family togetherness!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Member Appreciation Dinner

Thanks to everyone who came to our Member Appreciation Dinner last night! The food was fabulous and the company was fabulous. The success of our PTA is not just due to one person, or the board officers, but to each and every member of our PTA. It is because of all of you that we were able to accomplish what we accomplished this year. Congratulations to all!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Special Meeting & More

Please note that a special meeting of the Chestnut PTA will be held on Tuesday, May 19th to elect a President and Vice President for the 2009-2010 school year. Nominations will also be taken from the floor. If you are interested in serving for either of these positions, please plan on attending. It will be held in the Music Room at Chestnut Elementary at 6:30 PM.

Also, the 2nd Annual Chestnut PTA Appreciation Dinner will be held on Wednesday, May 20th at 6 PM at the Elks Lodge on Liberty Street in Painesville. If you have not already rsvp'd, please do so by emailing Karen Wivell at

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

10 Things You Can Do With Your School to Promote Learning from the National PTA Magazine

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Develops Key Skills
The concept of social and emotional learning (SEL) has been linked to higher student achievement, according to the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL). The March 17 PTA Parent examined what parents can do at home to foster SEL. This edition looks at 10 things parents can do with the school to aid in their children’s social and emotional learning.
Focus on the value of learning. Take some time each day to ask what your child learned in school. Don’t focus just on math, English, and social studies. Ask how your child gets along with other students and how he or she feels about school.
Focus on creating a positive learning environment at home. Create regular homework times and provide a quiet, well-lit place for homework. Limit the amount of TV. Decide with your child about rules for dealing with interruptions such as phone calls or visitors.
Set up a school bulletin board at home. Display the school calendar and other fliers from the school. Decide as a family which school events you will attend. Help your child get involved in interesting and worthwhile school activities.
Listen when your child talks about school. Pay attention to what your child says about school. If your child is happy with his or her classroom and school activities, write or call the teacher to say thank you. If your child seems frustrated, bored, or lonely at school, call a teacher or counselor to see what can be done.
Help your child with homework. Don’t ever do homework for your child. But do help. Assist your child in setting priorities for schoolwork. For example, encourage your child to tackle difficult assignments first while he or she has the most energy.
Take advantage of school meetings. Finding the time to attend school meetings can be a challenge. Many schools offer alternative times and places for parents to ask questions and discuss solutions to common problems. Often these meetings provide child care.
Volunteer at school. By volunteering in the classroom, you can better understand how to support your child’s learning at home. Try being a room parent, a chaperone at school functions, or a tutor. Even parents who work full-time can create opportunities if they do not exist.
Attend school activities. Whenever possible, attend your child’s plays, sports events, or science fairs. Your presence shows that your child’s interests and work are important to you.
Join or create a “Social and Emotional Learning Book Club.” In some communities parents have created book clubs to learn how they can encourage their children’s social and emotional development. This could be part of your PTA. It could also be something you do with friends.
Encourage good communication with the school. Good communication is basic to supporting your child’s education. Ask your child’s teacher to provide suggested home activities to support skills the children are learning at school. Ask for homework assignments that directly involve parents.
For more information, go to