Thursday, January 14, 2010

Upcoming Activities

We have entered 2010 fast and furiously. Just look at the list of upcoming events! A lot is happening at Chestnut Elementary with a lot more to come. Your help is needed and much appreciated by me, PTA President, and the students and staff of the school. Here are some of the highlights:

School Pictures Candid Day, January 20: We are hard at work to make sure everyone is in the yearbook, in the correct class and that all groups are represented. Student artwork will be used for the cover. We hope to have all activities and events represented in the yearbook. Orders are due January 29. The cost is $16 per book. Contact PTA for more information on ordering.

PLUS Graduation, January 21: Congratulation to the 5th Grade Class! Everyone, 100% of our fifth grade, is graduating from this drug awareness/prevention program. Outstanding!

Take Your Family to School Week, February 7-13: Our PTA was awarded a grant to support a Family Math Fair entitled "Success is Measured by Partnership". A fair for each pod will be held on individual days. Activities will focus on measurement activities that can be replicated at home with directions and materials provided to each family. Help will be needed for set up and tear down each day. Family participation by a parent, aunt, uncle, or grandparent is strongly recommended for each student.

Donuts for Dad, February 12: Come to school early for students to have a donut with their dad, grandfather or uncle. It's a great morning to spend a little extra time together before school and/or work.

Can't wait to see you at the school! ~Amy

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2010! It's a new year with new opportunities. Make a resolution you will want to keep: Resolve to get involved with your child's education. PTA makes it easy. Join today by clicking the link on the right.